7 Tips When Giving Personalized Clothing as Gifts | kshgtm.com

7 Tips When Giving Personalized Clothing as Gifts

The saying goes, “The best gift is giving from your heart.” Nothing beats personalized clothing if you’re thinking of giving someone a gift. It’s practical and valuable; you can use your creativity and imagination to tell the person how much you love them. 

You can create your clothing item, ask someone to customize it, or purchase a personalized one. You can get these high-quality clothes from physical or online gift stores like SHEMEDIY or another similar shop.

Some tips you need to remember when giving personalized clothing as gifts include the following:


1. Consider Their Hobbies & Interests

Show your affection for the recipient with a thoughtful present tailored to their hobbies or interests. What better way to express your love than by incorporating details related to what they enjoy most into their clothing?

This makes them feel you’re paying attention to what they like, thus making the gift more special. Whether it’s their favorite TV show or movie, sports team, band, place, animal, or anything you know makes them happy, take note of some recognizable details and include it in the clothing’s design. 

woman laptop thinking
Photo: Shutterstock

2. Create Your Design

This option is best for you if you’d like to give them particular artwork and personalized clothing. You can make your artwork on a canvas, scan or take a photo, and send it to the shop to place the design on the clothing. 

The art is entirely up to you, as you can make your design or get inspired by fashion trends. This is as long as you include your personal touch to tell them that you care about them every time they wear your artwork.

3. Select the Appropriate Type of Clothing

When selecting clothing, practicality and comfort should be top priorities. Is the recipient more drawn to jackets, sweaters, or shirts? Do they prefer a sophisticated button-up look or something more relaxed?

Paying attention to the recipient’s size is essential for them to wear your gift comfortably. Additionally, consider if you’re gifting something casual or more formal, as this traditional clothing requires a precise fit.

woman measuring shirt
Photo: Shutterstock

4. Make Sure You Get The Proper Size

An oversight when selecting gifts is not having the recipient’s accurate measurements. To ensure a good fit for tailored clothing, take precise measurements, mainly if it’s formal attire. If it’s something casual like shirts, know what clothing size they fall into, as shirts look better if they fit the person well.

5. Get Something Nostalgic

Is there a piece of clothing from their past that they absolutely adored but unfortunately no longer fits? You can bring back the nostalgia by getting them a custom apparel item featuring an identical or similar design. Simply ask your loved one about what outfit they cherished in the past, and surprise them with this memorable present! Not only will they cherish it for its uniqueness but also because of its sentimental value.

woman shopping for clothes
Photo: Shutterstock

6. Consider the Color

Beyond just the design, you should also think about color. Why not incorporate multi-tone clothing if your recipient has a certain style? Choose a hue that complements them and adds their personal touches to it. For example, consider what occasion or celebration theme when gifting for special occasions—this will help narrow down which colors would be most appropriate!

7. Get Similar or Related Clothing for Yourself

If you have a special bond with the recipient, why not commemorate your treasured relationship by gifting matching outfits? Not only will this be enjoyable for both of you, but it is also an excellent way to show others how close the two of you are.

When looking for the perfect present for your beloved, why not consider couples’ shirts? Not only are these individual garments creative and personal, but you can also tailor this idea to a group or family. This way, everyone can feel special without forfeiting their sense of belonging.

If you’re looking to give someone a gift that is extra special, personalized clothing might be the answer! Surprise them or get their opinion on what design they would like—the choice is yours. These tips should be handy when deciding what kind of present to pick out next time.


Generously giving someone an individualized present is rarely a mistake, especially if it’s something tailored to their likes and needs. Consider the design, clothing style, and size best suits them while choosing a gift based on hobbies or interests.

Show your loved ones how much you care with a personalized, nostalgic, colorful gift. They’ll be sure to love the effort and thoughtfulness behind this present, and they can celebrate wearing something truly unique!



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